Royal Enfield is one of the most suitable bikes for customization and modification. As a bullet rider, you should have a clear idea of what and how to make the machine look yours. The retro style appearance, resounding thump, and big structure make RE quite popular. Moreover, attractive and useful accessories help bullet enthusiasts to enhance the outward look and the performance of their motorcycles.

Are you a bullet enthusiast? You may have your own preference when it comes to the best model, modification, performance and appearance of your machine. Make sure you find the right dealer to end up with the best deal for your Royal beast.
Conduct a thorough inspection before delivery
If you are planning to buy a Royal Enfield, you must consider a pre-delivery inspection. You need to check the machine thoroughly and make sure there are no scratches, unpainted areas, or dents. Ensure the front forks are perfectly aligned and there is no leakage in the battery.
Make sure the dealer complies with the company norms
As per the company norms, there must be sufficient fuel in the fuel tank, at least above the reserve. Some dealers can provide only half litre so the customer can reach to the nearby petrol station. As a consumer, you have the right to ask your dealer to fill the tank up above reserve.
Be careful during the run-in phase
To acquire optimum performance, the first 2000 kilometer run-in is crucial. At this period, be careful about your speed limits, considering the gear changes. Exceeding the payload is certainly not a good idea, and warming up the engine for few minutes if you are planning a ride.
Royal Enfield accessories India
A rigid crash bar is one of the most appreciated Royal En-field accessories in India, as it ensures safety. While planning to purchase a crash bar, make sure you pay attention to your riding mode, whether you ride solo or with pillions. If you ride alone, you can go for a straight rod crash bar, providing your machine with a great look. Diamond or butterfly crash bars are suitable for individuals who ride with pillions.
Change the traditional exhaust
While talking about Bullet spare parts, modification with aftermarket silencers pops up quite naturally. If you are interested in changing the stock silencer, consider it after the running-in phase. Short-bottle or wool silencers can be a good choice, but don’t forget to check the authenticity, and do not go for any un certified products.
What can you do with the electrical?
If you want to add more coolness, high-intensity discharge lights will be the best way to go. It is important to pick certified products with a warranty. There are various options available in the market, online and offline, feel free to explore and find out the right items that suit your personality. For example, LED fog lamps offer excellent illumination without drawing excessive power.